If you want to naturalize, up to July 1st, 2025, the required language level for the Civic Integration Exam is A2.
You can pass this Exam after Modules 1, 2, and 3 (15 weeks) and an Exam training of 3 weeks. Altogether, 18 weeks. In other words: 4,5 months.
However, if you need Civic Integration, you must pass the Civic Integration exam at level B1.
Starting from zero, you need 10 modules of 5 weeks. The last one is exam training. Altogether, it will take it will take 50 weeks, so a year.
Are you in a different situation? Please describe it in the Contact form, mentioning your phone number. We will call you back soon to ask you more questions and then give you well-founded advice.
As we are experienced teaching experts and not lawyers, you cannot derive any rights from our information about your legal status.