We can have even more exercises – that’s how Proteeti reflects the opinion of several Grammar A2 participants. The Grammar Module A2 is optional.
5% of the Delft method students feel a need for more grammar, the other 95% do not.
One-third of the module covers sentence building and correct word order.
When asked for their motivation, all participants mentioned that they think the grammar of the Delft method is not enough. Moreover, they want to be able to make good sentences.
Ahmed adds: I think that learning grammar makes learning languages faster.
And Brigitte says: Grammar is important
Saikiran’s full evaluation
In February 2024, Saikiran’s full evaluation is:
1. Why do you take part in the grammar A2 Module?
I want to speak good sentences in Dutch.
I want to understand the position of verbs, adjectives, use of prepositions, and special sounds like O, m’n, met z’n tweeen, and that kind of things in the sentences.
2. What topics did you miss?
Nothing, I feel like the topics are covered.
3. What do you like about the A2 grammar module?
The exercises and the explanation of the special things.
4. What could be improved in the A2 grammar module?
Nothing, it’s going well.
We can have even more exercises
Another February 2024 student, Proteeti, writes:
The explanation and the worksheets are fine. The class exercises are useful because we have extra exercises.
Margreet also gave more information about various subjects
We can have even more exercises ;).
In that same February module, Panos agrees with Proteeti. He writes:
I like the worksheets and the online exercises, but we
could have more practice in the Grammar A2 Module
I think the content was what I needed
In Nov 2024 Roberto is happy with the Grammar Module like it is:
I think the content was what I needed, especially the word order
Nothing else could be improved in the A2 grammar module.
Robert’s classmate Dung writes:
I think the grammar lesson is clear. The topics are basic but very important. I make better sentences now.
Also, The Grammar Module is a nice method. First, learn yourself, then practice together. The teacher explains it very well.
However, if possible, I want to practice more before class. We can have even more exercises.