Dutch word order 2 - recaps the basic Dutch word order rules and guides you to the next step: sentences of two parts, or more. This blog on how to build a …
NT2 means Dutch as a second language
NT2 means Dutch as a second language, Nederlands als Tweede Taal. We all use this abbreviation, but many of us do not know what it means. Pronounce 'en tay …
Dutch word order 1
Dutch word order 1: theory is easy but needs a lot of practice. Dutch word order is unique and demands long-term monitoring and attention. Which language do you …
Integration Exam 2024 for expats
Integration Exam 2024 for expats remains at level A2. The B1 requirement has been postponed FOR EXPATS For how long? Please note that the new political …
Dutch citizenship, which exam?
Dutch citizenship, but which exam should you choose? You are an expat and you think that the Civic Integration Exam is obligatory for citizenship. However, 3 …
Passing the Civic Integration Exam B1
Passing the Civic Integration Exam B1 requires an understanding of 4400 Dutch words. Besides, you should be able to speak in complex sentences, with correct …
Accelerate the learning of Dutch B1 words
Accelerate the learning of Dutch B1 words to double your vocabulary! At level A2, you know 2200 words. For level B1 4400 are required. This blog helps to get …