The Delft method is fast and I could learn a lot of real-life conversations pretty quickly. However, the method does not teach much grammar (Suitcase talen: That’s why we have added two optional grammar modules). It leaves the students to make their own conclusions. Mostly my conclusions are good, but there are always some exceptions. That’s what I like less in the Delft method.
Module 1 students tell about their first experiences with the Delft method, October and November 2021
Marina: In the first place e-learning is really helpful, especially audio listening and exercises. Secondly, the method gives the right instructions and useful phrases. They are neither too basic nor too hard. Thirdly, it has excellent all-rounded discussion over one topic. has a balanced amount of new words and no homework after class.
Milena: The Delft method has many dialogues. In them, people can hear and learn how Dutch people really talk. It gives students the opportunity to repeat several times phrases. Besides, they can listen to their own pronunciations. In the conversation classes, I do like that we are all from different nations, and we give our best to speak in the lesson. We all have a moment to talk.
Anuj: I like that the focus is on speaking and pronunciation. That way, I feel I have learned something new after every class. Moreover, I like the break-out rooms in the conversation class. In the break-out rooms, we get 1:1 time. Later, we tell the class what the other person said.
Uma: With the Delft method we are ready to start with the conversations. Besides, it is an easier way to learn Dutch than traditional methods. Overall, I feel the Delft method is positive as it helps us to learn the language quickly. In the Suitcase talen conversation classes, equal opportunity has been given to each candidate.
The Suitcase talen conversation classes are engageable, fast-paced and the pressure really forces me to prepare for lessons and to speak out loud.
Martin: The Delft method texts are clear and understandable. The repetitiveness of exercises makes me remember new phrases easily as well. As to the Suitcase talen conversation classes they are engageable and fast-paced. This pressure really forces me to prepare for lessons and to speak out loud.
Rosely: I don’t know any other language learning methods. That’s why it is not easy for me to tell what the positive surprise of the Delft method is. But I like it so far. Most of all I like that I can practice my Dutch and learn new things.
Pyali: This method is easier than the traditional method of learning. Helps to start speaking and understanding quickly. I really like that the Suitcase talen conversation classes are focused on speaking.
Octavian: I like the Delft method because it is a fast way to learn Dutch. In conversation class, the Suitcase talen teacher has patience with the students.